The for ADHD writers

I’ve made it my job to help YOU become a successful ADHD writer! 

Scroll down to learn more about my philosophy and where I’m coming from. 

     – Susanne

susanne reading as a baby

I believe that writing can be fun

Though every author is different, most can use help in some stage of their career. And that is where I come in. By helping you override your more harmful self-beliefs and by giving you the support and structure you need to succeed, I can help you set and achieve any writing goals you want to pursue. 

I believe that both the writing process and a writer’s relationship to their writing projects are beautiful things. They should be approached with care, understanding and quiet support.

Would you like to meet me face to face? Click the button below

Five star reviews

This is how many reviews I’ve received on my services, through freelance websites.

Authors assisted

This is how many authors I have helped find joy in the writing, editing, and publishing of their work.

Susanne Schotanus of Passionate Writer Coaching

Where I'm coming from

I received my BA in Cultural studies and MA in Cultural Analysis from the University of Amsterdam. Both these programs were interdisciplinary, and taught me to analyse texts critically. They instilled in me a profound respect for artists and their work, which now underlies my own work at Passionate Writer Coaching. 


I believe in running my business with respect: for my clients, their privacy and their feelings.


I think joy is a great motivator. That is why I strive to bring my clients back in touch with the joy that inspired them to write in the first place.


Without honesty, it is impossible for me to build a successful relationship with my clients. It is something I give in abundance and expect in return.

Susanne reading at age of 10

I would love to work with you if...

  • You are passionate about your writing project(s) and/or career. 
  • You want to improve your skills: you want to work on achieving growth and progress.
  • You have a busy schedule but you are willing to reserve time for our work together.

If this is you, I’d love to work with you! Just click the button below and schedule a free meeting with me

She is a deep and careful reader, offering insights that open up my writing to more capacious vistas, and always encourages me to take her comments as a guide, if I so choose, not as final instructions.

Molly Benjamin

Associate Professor Emerita

Over just a few sessions, Susanne's coaching has already brought my writing to another level of output and, above all, enjoyment.

Ingrid Libert

Associate Professor

Her work is of the highest standard and, very importantly, she always managed to deliver on time! I have no hesitation in recommending Susanne and would definitely hire her services again!

Paul Wilson

Published Author

Projects I'd love to work on

As an ADHD writing coach, I offer personalized coaching to help authors develop compelling books, book proposals and other written texts. Though I work with everyone, from playwrights and journalists to novelists and content writers – my real passion is in supporting works of creative nonfiction. 

Whether you’re in the early stages of outlining your business book or need assistance in polishing your book proposal for memoir, I offer support to all writers who are navigating the challenges of ADHD. But one of my real passions is guiding writers through the process of writing an irresistible memoir and the accompanying book proposal for memoir.

Is this you? Click the button below to schedule a free meeting with me!

Coaching and/or ghostwriting

My ideal scenario would be for you to contact me about help with your memoir. From there, I would have regular video calls with you to discuss your book and progress. In these sessions, I would either coach you to write the book yourself – which is especially helpful if you’re an ADHD writer – or interview you so I can ghostwrite your memoir for you. You can learn more about ghostwriting for ADHD here



Once the first draft was done, we would move on to the editing stage. Here, I would offer developmental editing and content editing to help you lift your book to even greater heights. 


Book proposal

Then, it will be time to think about bringing your baby into the world. Here, we would work together on creating your amazing book proposal for memoir, in which we convince agents and publishers that your book could make a lot of money.



After you have signed the contract and are getting the book ready for publication, you would hire me for one more service: to write you the book index of your dreams. 


And we’ll start again

Meanwhile, we would start brainstorming about the next book you want to write, to keep your juices flowing and our relationship going. 

Though it is not necessary nor a requirement at all, I really love developing deep, valuable and long-term relationships with my fantastic ADHD writer clients. That is why I’ve made sure I could offer all the services you might need.

I hope you are the next person I get to develop this relationship with! Scroll down to schedule a free first session, so we can find out if we are a good fit. 

Are you ready to get to know me better?

Schedule your free 1-hour video call with me, your ADHD writing coach, ghostwriter, editor, book indexer and book proposal consultant, below.

Just find a timeslot in my schedule and I’ll take care of everything else!