So, you have written (or are in the process of writing) a great text. You have been staring at it for so long that you don’t see any more mistakes. Still, you feel like there must be something off about it. You need some editing!

Read on for more details about my editing solutions or get to know me better by scheduling a free meeting using the button below.

I offer different types of editing, on fiction, nonfiction, and academic texts. If you want more information on one of these types of editing, just click on the type of editing below to see the description. 

Editorial review

If you don’t know whether your text needs editing, or which type of editing you need: just order an editorial review! I’ll read your entire work and give you a comprehensive report with the things I think you can do to improve your text. 

For an editorial review, I charge € 0,01 per word. If you want to learn more, schedule a free half-hour strategy session here or visit my contact page.

Copy and line editing

If you’re confident that everything works on big-picture levels but want someone to check your sentences: you need copy editing. I will look in detail at every sentence and try to make your work stronger on a micro-level. This of course includes spelling and grammar, but will also most likely include passive sentences an similar authorial nightmares.

For copy-editing, I charge € 0,03 per word. If you want to learn more, schedule a free half-hour strategy session here or visit my contact page.

Content editing

If you hire me to be your content editor, I take a somewhat comprehensive view: I look at grammar and spelling, but might also comment on your tone, the strength of your argument and the well-rounded-ness of your characters. This really is a combination of comments and suggested edits. 

For content editing, I charge € 0,03 per word. If you want to learn more, schedule a free half-hour strategy session here or visit my contact page.

Structural and Developmental editing

This form of editing is usually quite difficult to define. But let’s keep it simple. When I do a round of developmental editing, I look at the bigger picture. This will include things as the order of your chapters, your pacing, tone of voice etc.

You can find more on developmental editing here.

For developmental editing, I charge € 0,05 per word. If you want to learn more, schedule a free half-hour strategy session here or visit my contact page.