Though friends and colleagues might be generous with feedback, sometimes what you really need is the eyes of an external expert to go over your work. You need academic editing. 

Read on for more details about my editing solutions or

As an (aspiring) academic, you work in a highly competitive environment. You might also deal with an amount of rejections that’s unusual for most other qualities of writers. And this might make it difficult not to start doubting your own capacities.

I understand that you want more from an academic editor than just a quick spell-check. Instead, what you need is a thorough examination of the textual qualities, in combination with a respectful attitude towards the particularities of your topic and the feelings that can run high when working on a project you’re passionate about. You want an honest assessment of your work as well as structural advise that can help you become an increasingly successful academic writer in the long run. And that is where I come in.

I have a strong background in most of the Social Sciences and Humanities. I am also the Director of Publications for a research network, and editor for a publisher specialized in interdisciplinarity.

As academic editor, I am here to support you as a writer. And I want your text to be as successful as possible. What’s more, I aim to give structural feedback, so that you can make your own informed decision on what suggestions you will and will not adopt. And to learn from potential mistakes for future projects.

I have a rather holistic editing approach to academic editing. This means that any editing project I engage in would start with a conversation with you. The aims of this conversation would be to get to know one another, but most of all to discuss your writing project. I want to understand your (theoretical) background, your vision, and your aims with this text. Only when I’m familiar with these, can I help you make your text exactly what you want it to be. 

Throughout the academic editing process, I will keep you updated. I will not simply correct errors but will also provide you with comments and, when necessary, a report. This I do with only one aim: to give you options and suggestions so you can decide whether or not to adopt my view. I see our editing as a collaboration and want to work WITH you on improving your work.

What can you do right now?

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, using the contact form. Or, if you’re ready to schedule your first free one hour video meeting, just go here and book one immediately.

I would love to hear from you!

– Susanne