Story Genius: write powerful novels with purpose

In both my coaching and editing, I have found that there is one key ingredient that can lift anyone's writing practice to the next level: getting clear on your purpose. When you know what you want to achieve with your writing, that will be your motivational engine, keeping you going…


Academic writing: 5 things no one told you

In my work with academics, I'm often told: wow, no one explained this to me before! Many academics are taught to do research. They are taught how to use one style to reference their sources. But not much attention is given to the actual writing of academic texts! And it's…


The Elements of Style – Author Resources

There are so many author resources out there that it is sometimes hard to know where to start. In this Author Resources series, I help you out, by recommending some of my favorite books for (aspiring) writers. In this installment, I present to you: “The Elements of Style” by William Strunk.…


On Writing Well – Author Resources

There are so many author resources out there that it is sometimes hard to know where to start. In this Author Resources series, I help you out, by recommending some of my favorite books for (aspiring) writers. In this installment, I present to you: “On Writing Well. The Classic Guide to…