5 Reasons why writing is so hard with ADHD

As an ADHD writing coach, I know better than most how many ADHD writers struggle with the thing they love doing most: writing. If this is you, I promise, you are absolutely not alone. And all writers I work with, no matter what kind of project they're working on, struggle…


ADHD writers: The four main struggles

Most of the writers I coach have ADHD. They are incredibly creative and always think outside of the box—which is an amazing quality to have as a writer. However, when they find me, these ADHD writers are often quite unhappy with themselves, their abilities, and their productivity. And that begs…


Energy management for ADHD writers

When you look online for information about productivity, you'll find many texts telling you how to manage your time more effectively. However, what I've found as an ADD/ADHD writing coach is that what's often more important for ADHD writers is not time, but energy management. As a writer with ADHD,…


Procrastination: how to navigate the swamp

Let's talk about the writer's bane. The centerpoint of your existence. The thing that refuses to drive everything. Procrastination. As a writing coach, I often find myself advising people on navigating the tricky procrastination swamp. "Navigation?" you might ask. Yes. There is no one road through. And procrastination may look a…