Often authors know how to write, they just don’t know how to sell their writing. However, no matter how good your book is, you still need to convince a publisher of that. That’s why a book proposal is hard. 

But I can help you with that! Click the button to schedule a free Strategy Session now!

These four options represent different levels of service when it comes to writing the perfect book proposal. Whether you want someone to cross the t’s, write the proposal for you or anything in between: I can help!

Note: these four options do not include the editing of your sample chapter. For that, see the add-ons below. 

Final checks

If you want a professional to go through your proposal before it is ready to be sent off, I can do the final checks. I’ll look at grammar and spelling, and make some suggestions to make your proposal the best it can be. ​

Final checks on your book proposal cost €40. 

Full edit

If you’ve finished the first draft of your book proposal, just send it to me! I’ll do a full edit on your document, and make suggestions to perfect it.

For a full edit on your book proposal, I charge €160. 

Proposal coaching

If you want to write your book proposal yourself but don’t know where to start, this is the package for you! Not only will I edit your entire proposal, but I will have regular video sessions with you to coach you through the writing of your first draft.​

For 3 1-hour coaching sessions and a full edit, I charge €350.

Proposal writing

I can write a full book proposal for you. The total amount will depend entirely on how much information you can give me. For example: Do you have a book and chapter summaries or do you want me to write them? Will you write your own author bio?​

Contact me using my form to tell me exactly what kind of service you are looking for; or schedule a free meeting to get to know me first!

In addition to the different levels of service on your full proposal, you might need my help with specific proposal elements. These are some of the add-on services I offer, which can be combined with anything else you might need to produce a great book proposal. 

Sample chapter edit

I will help you perfect the chapters you send along with your proposal, so the agent/publisher will see why you’re the right writer for them.

For editing your sample chapter, I charge € 0,03 per word.

Query letter edit

If you wrote a query letter – either generic or tailored to one specific agent/editor – but want it edited, just send it along! ​

For editing a query letter, I charge € 40.

Writing your query letter

I can write your query letter for you. The letter can be either tailored to a specific agent/editor, or more generic. Just contact me and we can discuss the details. ​

For writing your query letter, I charge €75

Write competitive titles section

You can leave the competitive titles section to me! I will research the titles that are most like your book, and convince the agent or publisher that yours is better. ​

For writing your Competitive Titles, I charge € 75.

Write target audience section

If you don’t know where to even begin with your target audience research, you can simply leave it to me. I’ll put in the time and write this section for you.

For writing your Target Audience section, I charge € 75.

Agent/publisher research

If you don’t know which agents and publishers to send your proposal to: don’t worry, I can help. 

I can do the research and give you a full 1-page report for 10 agents and/or publishers you can query.

For 10 full reports I charge €250.

Do you want to talk to me about your proposal and what you need to do to secure a book contract? Click the button to jump to my schedule. 

Publishers who've picked up my book proposals

Proposals I’ve worked on helped my clients secure contracts with publishers such as:

Palgrave Macmillan logo

What clients say about my book proposal services

Schedule a free Strategy Session!

Are you ready to get some help for your book proposal? Schedule a free half-hour strategy session with me and we’ll talk about exactly what you need. I’ll talk to you soon!