Are you an ADHD writer? Then in addition to the normal writing challenges, you’ll be experiencing quite a few more! These blog posts will help by sharing tips from an ADHD writer coach.
Building writing routines for ADHD adults goes something like this:One day, an ADHDer wakes up and decides that they really want to start taking this writing-thing seriously.They are super excited, so they decide they will write four hours every day. That's how much writers are supposed to write after all!Then,…
As an ADHD writing coach, I know better than most how many ADHD writers struggle with the thing they love doing most: writing. If this is you, I promise, you are absolutely not alone. And all writers I work with, no matter what kind of project they're working on, struggle…
If you're an ADHD writer, I don't have to tell you about the ADHD writer's greatest challenges. We struggle with motivation; we're often deeply unhappy about our productivity; and we don't have a strong grasp on time, making it hard to actually sit down and get yourself to do the…
If you have ever searched for "famous authors with ADHD," you will have found lists with writers from history who were never really diagnosed. Rather, for one reason or another, someone thought that their writing hero might be just like them. Many writers have their own quirks, and some do…
Do you have what seems like hundreds of ideas for projects? That can make it incredibly difficult to figure out what to focus on first, can't it? Even if you have already read my blog posts on Theming your schedule and the Pomodoro technique for ADHD writers, you won't be…
When writers with ADHD reach out to me as an ADHD writer coach, their biggest problem is usually that they wish they were more productive. No matter what specific challenges they might experience, they feel that they should be writing better, faster, and harder. And actually, there's not much variance…
In my work as an ADHD writing coach, I encounter two kinds of answers when I ask about note taking systems. Either the ADHD writer I'm talking to will tell me they don't really take notes (they just leave their browser tabs open), or they tell me that they have…
As an ADHD writing coach, I see on a daily basis how many ADHD writers are overwhelmed. They have a long list of fantastic ideas, but they struggle with multitasking, task switching and decision fatigue. So how can you make sure to spend time on every part of your life…
When Cindy first found me through a Google search, she described herself as an "anxious PhD student." She was in her second year of her Social Work PhD program and had struggled with writing for as long as she could remember. In fact, like so many other ADHD PhD candidates…
Note: this program is now closed. If you are interested in joining a group of ADHD writers, visit the page about my current group coaching program. As an ADHD writing coach, "I will be able to write this summer," is probably the sentence I hear most throughout the year. So…