book cover of Brian Fairbank's Wizards

Wizards: David Duke, America’s Wildest Election, and the Rise of the Far Right

Brian Fairbanks had written a book proposal for his nonfiction book "Wizards," but wanted someone to give him feedback. He wanted to give the proposal the best chance it could get. And that is something I love doing!

    • Book proposal
    • Brian Fairbanks
    • January 4, 2021
    • Nonfiction, Politics

Brian Fairbanks had written a book proposal for his nonfiction book Wizards, but wanted someone to give him feedback. He wanted to give the proposal the best chance it could get. And that is something I love doing! Not only do I write people’s book proposals for them, when someone like Brian knows what he’s doing, there’s nothing more exciting than taking his basis and looking for possibilities to elevate.

In October 2022, Wizards: David Duke, America’s Wildest Election, and the Rise of the Far Right was published with Vanderbilt University Press. And it’s no coincidence that an academic publisher picked up his book! The research that went into this book is astounding. And so is its argument.

Wizards argues that the 1991 Louisiana Governor’s race – in which former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke came close to running the show – signaled a major shift in American politics. Here, the far right moved into the mainstream, which currently is a major topic of concern.

I’m very proud to have Wizards in my portfolio. And it looks like Brian enjoyed our collaboration too: we also collaborated on the proposal for his second book. I am very much looking forward to that release as well!


You can find Wizards on the publisher’s website or on the sites of all major online booksellers.