ADHD ghostwriting

ADHD ghostwriting for professionals

You have a wealth of knowledge or a great story to share. But you don’t have the time or organizational skills to do it yourself. If this is you, you will benefit from my ADHD ghostwriting services. 

Scroll down for more details or click the button below to schedule a free video call!

Hi, I am Susanne, your ADHD ghostwriter. I believe that,

Your knowledge and story deserve to be out there in the world, even if you don’t have the time to make it happen. 

If you want to have written a book, but don’t feel you have the capacity to write it right now, nonfiction ghostwriting is exactly what you need. Whether you want to write a memoir, or a how-to book to promote your brand – I can help. There’s no need to keep being disappointed and frustrated with yourself for still not having finished it. I can take your ideas and materials and craft them into a manuscript that reflects YOUR voice, ideas and identity. 

Is this what you want? Just schedule a free meeting with me so we can get to know each other. 

Why you need an ADHD-specific ghostwriter

As an ADHD writing coach, editor and ghostwriter, I know better than anyone how ADHD affects the thinking and writing processes. 

We’re more likely than neurotypicals to be entrepreneurs, because of our bottomless well of ideas and inspiration. But all these ideas can be completely overwhelming as well. As a result, we tend to freeze up, get distracted, go on tangents, go down rabbit holes… All of which takes a lot of time and energy. 

When you work with a ghostwriter, you want someone who understands your brain and who can streamline your ideas into a cohesive and readable manuscript whilst still preserving your voice. A ghostwriter who specializes in ADHD, therefore, will be the perfect fit for you!

Is this you? I can help! Just schedule a meeting to start the conversation!

How ADHD ghostwriting works

I believe that every author is unique, which is why I don’t have a standard program. In our first video call, which you can schedule below, we’ll have a conversation about exactly what it is that you need. We’ll also start discussing your book’s structure – which we can design together if you haven’t yet created it. 

Once the structure is in place, we’ll start working on individual chapters. For these, I normally use the following three-step process:

  1. We’ll have a few video calls to discuss the chapter. In these, I will interview you so I can collect all the information I need to write your chapter. These calls also help me get a feel for your speaking voice, which I will incorporate into the chapters. 
  2. I deliver a first draft of the chapter to you. You can read it and give feedback, then send your notes back to me. 
  3. I deliver a “final draft” of your chapter. If you’re happy with it, you can simply file it away or submit it with your book proposal. Or you can order additional revision rounds until you are happy with it. 

And then, of course, we can move on to the next chapter!

What will the first meeting be like?

I understand that it might be stressful to just schedule a meeting with a complete stranger. So I thought I’d tell you a little bit about what to expect during our first ADHD ghostwriting meeting. 

    • The better part of the conversation will be about you. Here, I’ll ask questions about your project, your struggles, your hopes and your dreams. There’s no need to prepare for this, I just want to hear your story.
    • After I have gained a better understanding of where you are and where you want to be, we’ll talk about how I can best help you and what it will be like to work with me.
    • There will also be plenty of opportunities for you to ask me any and all questions you might have. 

Are you ready to schedule your free meeting? Click here to jump straight to my scheduling tool!

What clients have said about me

Schedule your free ADHD ghostwriting meeting!