Manuscript information – proposal series #7

As a book proposal expert, I've come to realize that when it comes to book proposal writing, there is one element that is often overlooked. But actually, I think it's one of the most valuable and interesting ones: the manuscript information. In earlier posts in this series, we discussed what your…


Book proposal overview – proposal series #2

If you want to find a traditional publisher, whether you go through an agent or contact publishers yourself, at some point you’ll need a book proposal. But as a book proposal expert, I know that writing a book proposal can be really hard! That is why, in this blogpost series,…


Book proposal elements – proposal series #1

As a book proposal expert I know that writing your book proposal can be incredibly difficult. Yet, if you want to find a traditional publisher, whether you go through an agent or contact publishers yourself, at some point you’ll need a book proposal. In this blogpost series, I will talk…