How great is Susanne? More great than you can imagine!

Susanne took up editing the second edition of my book with grace and grit. She is a deep and careful reader, offering insights that open up my writing to more capacious vistas, and always encourages me to take her comments as a guide, if I so choose, not as final instructions. “This is your book,” she is wont to say, and “you are the leader of the pack.” Yet her viewpoints are always so sharp, on both the technical and substantive level, that the result, when I take them on board, is a much improved piece of work: more analytically clear, more emotionally rich. And she is so very responsive, in time and heart, always responding quickly, and with a generous spirit, to questions and conundrums. If you have the opportunity to work with Susanne, don’t pass it up. Your work will benefit, and you will benefit!

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