As soon as I talked to her I knew she was “the one”, the right ADHD writing coach to help me move my project forward. She’s become so much more than that, and her wisdom has helped me in every part of my life. In every session there is at least one (and often many) “gold nugget” that is just what I needed. I’ve gotten writing again, made headway on building my own practice, and even made peace with unresolved pain from my ADHD past. When my husband had a business trip to Amsterdam, I got lucky–she happened to be visiting from her adopted home country Italy. We met her at a great funky restaurant she recommended and got to spend the next day together enjoying Van Goghs and other masterpieces at the Kroller Muller Museum in a Dutch national park drinking ginger tea and enjoying the sunshine. Susanne is a soul sister, remarkable human, and an incredibly effective coach. I thank her for every gift she’s given me, and look forward to seeing her every week.