Susanne may well be your secret weapon – Highly recommend giving it a go!

The barrier to coaching for me was the cost. I didn’t doubt the value it would add, but as writers, we are fortunate if we make even enough to get by, so I was hesitant. But I can’t recommend it enough. First and foremost, the sense of having invested in me and helping my process is profound. I vowed never to write a full-length play again a few years ago (pre my understanding of ADHD and its devastating impact on my life!). Then, I found Susanne on a whim after Googling coaches who understood ADHD. I wasn’t sure whether our experience lined up (I’m a playwright and screenwriter), but I took a chance. And I suggest you do too. I’ve since written through many of the barriers I thought were reasons I’d never write again. The most useful aspect for me is Susanne’s understanding of ADHD, how the brain works, and how rejection sensitivity and the compound feelings of inferiority it creates are truly crippling to the artistic process. The challenge is, as always, that I do have to write. And the support hasn’t fixed my problems or made me sit and write endlessly without any of the demons, but it has provided connection, continuity, accountability, and plenty of options to explore ways around them. And perhaps most importantly, I have been writing. Even when I hate every single word that spills onto the page. We’ve met weekly across ten sessions, and I have written a full-length play again (and another short play, in addition to that!). The full-length play is a long way off from being a final draft, but it’s a draft, and once we have something down on paper, we can work with it. Writing is re-writing, after all. I’m excited to explore how I can build my process and firm up some of the things we’ve put in place so I can continue to see what’s possible now. We’re looking next to breathing life into projects I’d abandoned – in a way that only someone with ADHD knows how – and I’m excited. I feel like a writer again.

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