Susanne has helped me to find confidence as a writer

Susanne has made a pivotal impact on my life. As a Ph.D. candidate with ADHD, I have struggled tremendously with writing and time management. However, since working with Susanne, I’ve made significant progress toward my personal and professional goals and have better control of my everyday life. Although I am still growing, for the first time in my academic career, I see myself as a writer.

Before working with Susanne, I often turned down professional opportunities for fear of being unable to perform. And despite my passion and talent as a scholar, I could not produce due to anxiety and disorganization. Susanne has helped me to find confidence as a writer by giving me organizational skills and strategies that work with my brain rather than against it.

She is a great listener. Her compassionate nature helps me feel safe enough to let down my guard and challenge some of my deepest fears about writing and research. She helps me to destigmatize my abilities by educating me on how neurodivergent brains work so that I can understand there is truly nothing wrong with me–I just need to change my approach. Finally, she affirms my growth by keeping detailed records of my progress and reminds me how much closer I am to my goals than I realize.

Susanne understands my brain in a way that no other writing mentor has. Since working with her, I have released so much shame about my abilities. Adhd is not my enemy. Perfectionism is. And she helps me to understand I do not need to be perfect to be a great writer.

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