CLOSED! Preptober Productivity Program for Procrastinators

I’ve never met anyone who feels they write enough. And now that we’re nearing the year’s end, there’s a pretty good chance that the thought of your 2023 goals is starting to fill you with more and more dread. That’s pretty much why November is writing month, for both academics (AcWriMo) and novelists (NaNoWriMo). But in my opinion, it’s impossible to meet any ambitious writing goals you set for yourself in November, without a productive Preptober the month before. That’s where this 1-on-1 Preptober Productivity Program for Procrastinators with ADHD can help.
Though November is a great time to focus on your writing goals and catch up on your backlog, the additional pressure of this month will probably exacerbate all your ADHD-related writing challenges.  So the best thing you can do is get ahead of the problems! Even though you might have the tendency to leave everything to the last minute: if you take action now, you can end this year feeling like you are the amazing, productive, and admirable author that you actually are! 
The Preptober Productivity Program will help you do just that. In five coaching sessions, we’ll take a good, hard look at your main ADHD writing challenges. And together, we’ll make a plan to create the most successful November you have ever had. 
Note: this program is now closed. If you want NaNoWriMo or AcWriMo support, check out this blogpost instead. 

Understanding the Writing Marathon


NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) started out as a national program to motivate first-time novelists to write their book. Writers are challenged to write a 50.000-word novel in only 30 days, and if they achieve this goal, they “win” NaNoWriMo. Throughout the month, they share their word goals and progress on social media, and motivate each other to keep going. 



This model has become such a success, that it has inspired many spin-offs and variations. The most interesting of these is AcWriMo, for academics. And what I really like about this is that it doesn’t have a specific word count: for AcWriMo you can set your own writing goals. I actually participated in AcWriMo in 2019 and I’ve never been as productive as I was then! 


ADHD pitfalls of the writing marathon

However, the reason why I could be so productive is that I spent a lot of time preparing for this month. Just like you would likely kill yourself if you ran a marathon without preparation, the high pressure and constant progress that NaNoWriMo and AcWriMo demand can be quite exhausting. What you need to survive is to prepare your body, brain and your tools; and a plan.  

That’s especially important when you have ADHD: when we are tired, our symptoms get exacerbated. And you don’t want to waste the second half of the month on distractions and negative thought spirals, do you? 

The Preptober ADHD advantage

To prepare for the November marathon, therefore, in writer’s circles, October is dubbed Preptober. That gives you an entire month to easily, step-by-step get everything in place for a successful November. 

And you know what the cool thing is? Preptober always coincides with ADHD Awareness Month! Now, I’m sure that’s all a coincidence, but for my purposes it actually makes a lot of sense. 

Though we are incredibly bad at it, and are notoriously blind to it, no one needs preparation more than an ADHD writer about to embark on a huge project. 

We tend to get overwhelmed by big tasks, we don’t have the time horizons to oversee an entire month’s worth of goals, and when we get tired we are more easily distracted and lost in negative self-thought. 

But all these problems, we can prepare for! 

I can help you set an achievable goal, break it down into smaller tasks and mile stones, organize your schedule and writing environment to maximize productivity, and much more! That is what I designed the Preptober Productivity Program for Procrastinators for. 

The Preptober Productivity Program for Procrastinators

Quick facts


The Preptober Productivity Program is a highly personalized month of 1-on-1 coaching to help prepare you for a productive November. 
During the intake meeting, we’ll talk about your goals and your challenges, and together design a Preptober program specifically for you. 
The reason why this is highly personalized, is that I know that you wouldn’t have come this far in life without already having developed some impressive strategies to deal with your ADHD urges. It might be that you’re a master at planning, though you don’t quite know yet how to break a book-length project down. Or maybe you know exactly what you want to write, but don’t know how to set goals that keep you motivated instead of constantly disappointed with yourself. 
A standard program, then, won’t help you much. Instead, I’ll give you the personal attention that you deserve, so we can tackle those areas of your writing practice that will have the biggest effects on your November productivity. 

How this will help you

This program will help you remove your roadblocks and anticipate your challenges before November even starts! Instead of burning yourself out in the first week, being stressed and disappointed with yourself for 30 days straight, and dealing with constant distractions – you can have a productive and pleasurable NaNoWriMo or AcWriMo. By the end of 2023, then, you can actually have achieved your writing goals! 


Bonus: extra discounts

Together, we’ll put everything in place that you need for a productive November. But even though the foundations are there, that doesn’t mean I’ll no longer be available to coach you through the month itself. And then, of course, there’s the question of what to do with your writing once you’ve finished it! 

So I have come up with a tiered system for you: 

  • If you participate in the Preptober Productivity Program, I’ll give you a 10% discount on the NaNoWriMo coaching program. 
  • If you participate in either the Preptober or NaNoWriMo program, you get a 10% discount on editing if you order in December. 
  • And if you participate in both the Preptober and NaNoWriMo program, you’ll get a 20% discount on editing if you order in December. 

That means that if the text you want me to edit is over 20.000 words, you can pretty much get 8 weeks of coaching for free!

How to join

Enrolling in the program couldn’t be easier. Simply use the tool below to find a time slot that works for you, and enter your name and email address. And don’t forget to tell me that it’s the Preptober Productivity Program you’re interested in! 

Once you’ve scheduled your meeting, all you have to do is show up and I’ll take care of everything else. 

Final points on the Preptober Productivity Program

If you want to race towards your writing goals in November, it’s time to start planning now (even if October has already started). I know that you are a procrastinator, but preparing in advance is the only way to run the marathon without collapsing.

If you want to have a successful NaNoWriMo or AcWriMo, the Preptober Productivity Program can help you do it. Simply schedule a meeting using the tool above. 

I’ll see you soon!