Let's make your text say what you want it to say!

Let me be your

Do you struggle to make your words convey your actual meaning? As a substantive editor, also called a content editor, I can help you express your ideas with impact – whether it’s through manuscript editing services for your novel, nonfiction book, academic paper, memoir or business document. 

Clarify your ideas

Improve the flow

Ensure your message resonates

Susanne from Passionate Writer Coaching

Do you struggle with:

There is hope! Though people don’t talk about it enough, no one writes a great text alone. All you need is a substantive editor. Let’s discuss your challenges and see how I can help! Just click the button below to go to the scheduling form.

The types of projects I love as a substantive editor

Book content edit

Are you looking for a substantive editor for your book? Whether it's fiction or nonfiction, you can click on the image to read more about a book content edit.

Man against colorful background stands in front of a banner that says "academic manuscript edit"

Academic manuscript edit

If you are an academic looking for a content or substantive editor, you can click the image above to visit a page specifically about academic manuscript editing services.

Editing memoir

I love working on all kinds of manuscripts, but I really do have a soft spot for memoirs. If you are looking for a substantive editor for your memoir, just click the image above.

I love variety in my life and my editing practice, so I’m always eager to work with new authors and in new genres. If you’d like to meet me first to see if we’re a good fit before working with me as your content editor or substantive editor, just click the button below to jump to my scheduling form. I’d love to meet you to discuss my manuscript editing services!

I get it – it can be hard to translate your ideas to the page

Do you know how everyone’s house always seems so clean when you visit? Just like you never (or hardly ever) see an uncleaned house except your own, you also never read unedited texts aside from your own. 

You’re not as bad as you think you are: you just need the help of a substantive editor to make your words sing with my manuscript editing services! Are you ready? Click the button below. 

This is what clients say about me

What does a substantive editor cost?

Substantive edit

Make your text say what you want it to say
0.03 per word
  • Spelling & grammar
  • Flow, efficacy & Tone of voice
  • All edits in tracked changes

Getting a substantive editor for your manuscript is easy!

Susanne from Passionate Writer Coaching

1. Schedule a free call

Schedule a strategy session straight into my calendar.

2. Let's discuss your manuscript

Let’s discuss what you want out of this substantive edit. 

3. Pay & wait

Follow the link I’l l send you to pay the invoice. Then wait for the delivery of your edited manuscript!

Stop being frustrated with yourself!

It's time for a substantive editor to take over!

Writing a text is hard. But what no-one tells you is that the best texts aren’t written by only one person! Instead, the best writers have a great editor who can help them make the text say what they want it to say through their manuscript editing services. This, I think, is the best-kept secret in publishing. 

What that means is that if you struggle to make your text perfect, that doesn’t mean you’re bad at this! It just means that you need a substantive editor, just like everyone else. 

A substantive editor sits between a copy editor (who corrects your spelling and grammar) and a developmental editor (who focuses on the structure of your text). They are also called a content editor, a macro editor, or a line editor. As your substantive editor, it is my job to help you figure out what you want to say and then find the right words to communicate that message to your reader. That is how I can help you make your text the best it can be, with my manuscript editing services. 

Click the button below to schedule your free strategy session. Let’s make your manuscript one you can be proud of!

Cover image of The Chapter's Guidebook: 6 Steps to turning a whirlwind of ideas into a book chapter.

Not ready yet to hire a substantive editor?

Download this free guide to turning your whirlwind of ideas into a chapter! Fill out the form below and I’ll email it to you. 

Schedule your free strategy session