Elevate your book

Trust me with your manuscript, and I promise I’ll help you make your book edit better than you could ever have done by yourself.

Types of Book Editing

Welcome to my page about editing

Developmental edit

If you want someone to look at your book's structure, you need a developmental edit. Here, I'll look at your Table of Contents, book length, chapter lengths, and the order in which you present information or your argument.

Content edit

The content edit is the most common and well-known type. Here, I'll look at spelling and grammar, as well as the tone, flow and readability of your work.

Copy edit

If you just want me to do a quick check on your work, looking only at spelling and grammar, a copy edit is what you need. This is the most low-budget option.

Do you know what type of book editing you need?
Click the button below to go to the order form!

Susanne Schotanus of Passionate Writer Coaching

About Susanne

I am a writing coach and editor who specializes in helping ADHD writers realize their publishing dreams. Though I started out as an academic book editor, I now help all book authors (from professors and novelists to self-help experts, and from newbies to seasoned professionals) lift their books to a new level.

I’m here to bring out the strengths of your text, not to write my own. It is important to me that your ideas and voice are preserved and the text still feels like it is yours.

Do you want to meet me first, before placing your order? 
Just schedule a free book edit Strategy Session using the following form. 

What my clients say about my book edit services

Her work is of the highest standard and, very importantly, she always managed to deliver on time! I have no hesitation in recommending Susanne and would definitely hire her services again!
Paul Wilson
If I had started out with Susanne 7 years ago, we could have shaved 2-3 years off of this process, additionally saving me many (many) thousands of dollars!
Ernest Ellender
Life coach
Her expertise, generosity and involvement - together with her openness to costumize her services - makes her the perfect person to collaborate with.
Stefano Rozzoni

What does a book edit include?

Learn more about the of your edit

3-4 editing rounds

I'll go over every chapter at least 3-4 times, to focusing on different aspects in each editing round. Thought it costs a little more time, that's how I can ensure you get the highest quality edit I can deliver.

An editorial letter

In your delivery, I'll include a letter with more general comments. These can include things such as what I thought about the book as a whole, mistakes you tend to make frequently and suggestions for more involved changes that were not covered by the editing type you ordered.

BONUS: 2 strategy sessions!

As a bonus, I'm offering you the option of scheduling two additional video calls with me: One before I start editing and one after I've delivered your manuscript. In these sessions, you can ask me all your pressing questions.

Are you ready to place your order?

My guarantee:

Passionate Writer coaching developmental editing

After the book edit, if you don’t feel your book is improved:

I’ll start over until you DO feel it’s better!

Schedule your Strategy Session now!