In my writing coaching practice, I help people to reach their goals while feeling good.

Together, we will learn about the way your brain works and build habits, strategies and practices around it. Rather than forcing yourself to work the way everyone else works, it’s far more pleasant and effective to work on becoming the best writer YOU can be!

I specialize in mindset, planning and time management. Though that might seem quite boring, I’ve found it’s far from that. In our coaching sessions, I can help you set goals and translate those into deadlines. Then, I’ll check in with you later to discuss the goals and deadlines. This means that you can experience the accountability that is usually missing. If you miss your deadline: I’ll know.

And then we can evaluate. Why did you miss your deadline? What about your writing schedule is not working for you? Do you have the right environment? Do you try to write at those times that are most ideal for you? Are you motivated enough? And if not: what can we change?

I can be strict, if you need me to be. But actually, my goal is to always be supportive. I want to create a positive environment for you, that will stimulate and inspire you to write more. To reach your goals.

I offer coaching to different types of authors. If you want more information on what I can do for specific groups of writers, just click on descriptors below to see more information.

Academic Writing Coach

If you are an (aspiring) academic, it is probably true that you spend the majority of your time on other things (e.g. teaching, day-job, students) and feel like you have been neglecting your research and writing. And if this is true, then you might profit from having an academic writing coach!

Check out my academic writing coach page to learn more.

ADHD writing coach
If you are a person who has ADD/ADHD, there’s a couple of things I think I know about you.
  1. You have a lot of great ideas and projects
  2. You have a hard time sticking to deadlines and motivating yourself
  3. Many of these projects have been whirling around in your head for a long time. And you wish you had done something with them sooner.

If all three points apply to you, I might be able to help. Check out my ADD/ADHD writing coach page for more.

What can you do right now?

I would love to hear from you!

– Susanne

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get help finishing my book?

This is one of those goals that can easily be translated into an actionable plan! In our coaching sessions, we can see what steps you need to take to reach this goal, and set deadlines for each one. Then, we’ll figure out how to keep you on schedule. So you can finish your book!

How do I get into the habit of writing?

If you want to make writing a habit, there’s a few things you need to do.

  1. Set a goal – so that you know what you’re doing this for. 
  2. Find out how to make your writing time as pleasurable as possible – so that it is easier to start.
  3. Find someone to be accountable to – so that you feel you’re not just doing it for yourself. 

All of these things I can help with, just book your first session and we can discuss the options. 

How do I build the confidence to write?

You become confident when you feel successful. And the feeling of success you can achieve by reaching goals.


Therefore, to become a better, more confident writer, it is important to split your big goal up into smaller portions. This allows you to celebrate small achievements. And that, in turn, makes you feel like you’re becoming successful. In our writing coach sessions, this is something I will always focus on. Because success = confidence = more success!