A Transformed Relationship with Writing
Working with Susanne over the past 5 months, though, I have not only completed the article but, more importantly, I have created a daily writing practice in which I engage joyfully.
Working with Susanne over the past 5 months, though, I have not only completed the article but, more importantly, I have created a daily writing practice in which I engage joyfully.
Many of the tools and techniques Susanne has introduced me to have spilled over into other areas of my life and for the first time ever I am a person who plans, has a routine, sticks a schedule (mostly!), and most incredibly of all finishes things. I feel like I hired Susanne just in time as together we have pulled my book back on track and I am about to submit a whole two weeks ahead of my deadline.
She helps turn the daunting into manageable and the barrier of shame and failure into curiosity. She can connect the neurology and psychology of ADHD with the practical steps you need to overcome all the obstacles you know you had – and the ones you are yet to learn about.
I haven't come across any other coach who combines first class editorial services with practical and effective strategies for writing with ADHD.
I leave each session with a clear plan for my project as well as a new skill or tactic to deal with whatever issue is cropping up in the moment. I can't say enough positive things about her professionalism, flexibility, and emotional intelligence.
Working with Susanne was great! Her expertise in book proposal writing and understanding the market was really helpful. I appreciated how she provided free time to discuss some ideas around flipping a dissertation into a book. She took the time to understand my vision and guided me in a way…
I love working with Susanne. She has got all my writing projects back on track, and has helped me immensely with all the things that my messy, chaotic, brain can't really handle - like planning and organisation. She is supportive but not afraid to give constructive feedback and suggestions when…
Susanne has been enormously helpful in structuring and getting my thoughts for my book proposal onto paper, resulting in a double book deal!
really recommend hiring Susanne - it will be life-changing! And I don't mean it in a rainbowy way, but more in a "you don't know what you are actually capable of even if you have an "unnormal brain" kind of way!!
I know it's not therapy but it feels so therapeutic working with her. After working with neuro-typical people and how they would expect one to work, it's such a breath of fresh air to have someone who understands the ADHD brain and have better tools and methods to help complete projects.