Don't let ADHD steal your story – Let's write your book together

My ADHD ghostwriting services for professionals

You have a wealth of knowledge or a great story to share. But you don’t have the time or organizational skills to do it yourself. If this is you, you will benefit from my ADHD ghostwriting services. 

Scroll down for more details or click the button above to schedule a free video call!

Collaborative process

ADHD-friendly approach

Your voice


Susanne from Passionate Writer Coaching

Is this you?

Do you really want to spend the next few years feeling like you should work on this book? Because according to the New York Times, that’s how 80% of Americans feel. Yet most of these “would-be authors” never even get started. But you can be different!

I believe that your knowledge and story deserve to be out there in the world, even if you don’t have the time or skills to make it happen.

With my ghostwriting services, you’ll finally make progress towards getting your book out there!

Just schedule a free meeting and let’s chat about your project.

The four parts of my ADHD ghostwriting services

Online interviews

During video calls, I will ask you questions to get clear on your voice as well as the knowledge and story you want to communicate.

Image for part two of ADHD ghostwriting services: a woman clutching a stack of papers against a colorful background with the text: 2. Detailed outline

Detailed outline

Based on our conversations, I will create a detailed outline for your book and/or chapter, which I'll send you for approval.



Based on the outline and our conversations, I will write a first draft of your book chapter. This, I'll send to you for review.

Image for part four of ADHD ghostwriting services: a happy woman reading her own book against a colorful background with the text: 4. Final delivery.



After revising based on your feedback, I will send you the final delivery. You can either use this as-is or order an additional editing round.

Would you like to know more about my ADHD ghostwriting services? You can ask me all your questions during our first, free intake meeting. Click the button below to jump to my scheduler!

Your busy schedule doesn't need to keep you from finishing your book!

If you want to have written a book, but don’t feel you have the capacity to write it right now, I designed my ADHD ghostwriting services for you. Whether you want to write a memoir or a business book to promote your brand – I can help.

There’s no need to stay disappointed and frustrated with yourself for still not having finished it. I can take your ideas and craft them into a manuscript that reflects YOUR story, ideas and voice. 

Just schedule a free Strategy Session to start the process!

This is what clients say about my ghostwriting services

How much does ADHD ghostwriting cost?

The cost of my ghostwriting services depends on the length of your text. There’s a big difference between writing a 5,000-word chapter and a 90,000-word book! That’s why I charge per word for ADHD ghostwriting services. 

ADHD ghostwriting services

The ADHD-friendly approach to getting your book written
0,10 per word
  • 3 interviews for every 5000 words
  • Outline approval
  • One revision round

Note: most nonfiction manuscripts are between 50,000 and 90,000 words, meaning I’ll charge between € 5000 and € 9000 for ghostwriting an entire book. 

Hiring me as your ADHD ghostwriter is easy!

Susanne from Passionate Writer Coaching

1. Step one

Schedule a meeting straight into my calendar. 

2. Step two

Show up for the meeting. 

3. Step three

Together, we’ll make an easy-to-follow plan to get your book written. 

How ADHD-friendly ghostwriting services

will help you achieve your goals

As an ADHD writing coach, editor and ghostwriter, I know better than anyone how ADHD affects thinking and writing processes. 

We’re more likely than neurotypicals to be entrepreneurs, because of our bottomless wells of ideas and inspiration. But all these ideas can be completely overwhelming as well. As a result, we tend to freeze up, get distracted, go on tangents, go down rabbit holes… All of which takes a lot of time and energy. 

When you work with a ghostwriter, you want someone who understands your brain and who can streamline your ideas into a cohesive and readable manuscript whilst still preserving your voice. An ADHD ghostwriter, therefore, will be the right choice for you.

Let’s see if we are a good fit! Click the button below to jump to my calendar. 

Cover image of The Chapter's Guidebook: 6 Steps to turning a whirlwind of ideas into a book chapter.

Don't feel ready yet to talk to an ADHD ghostwriter?

I wanted to give you a present regardless! I’ve created a Guidebook to help to write your first chapter yourself! Just fill out the form below and I’ll send it to you through email. 

Schedule a free meeting

to discuss your project