Manuscript information – proposal series #7

As a book proposal expert, I've come to realize that when it comes to book proposal writing, there is one element that is often overlooked. But actually, I think it's one of the most valuable and interesting ones: the manuscript information. In earlier posts in this series, we discussed what your…


Procrastination: how to navigate the swamp

Let's talk about the writer's bane. The centerpoint of your existence. The thing that refuses to drive everything. Procrastination. As a writing coach, I often find myself advising people on navigating the tricky procrastination swamp. "Navigation?" you might ask. Yes. There is no one road through. And procrastination may look a…


Promotion opportunities – proposal series #6

If you're an author (which you are), the promotion opportunities, or maketing plan, in your proposal will probably cause you a lot of stress. You wrote this book because you needed to write it. And now suddenly they're asking you to produce a business plan! As a book proposal expert I…


Visualize your purpose: Developmental editing tip

When you have finished your first draft of your article, book or chapter it is time to do some developmental editing. This means that you will look critically at the structure of your text and see whether improvements can be made to it, before moving on to the line-editing or…

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