While I was writing – Work with focus



Work with focus.

If you need help dealing with distractions while you’re writing, this is the printable for you!

Whenever you sit down to write, do the following:
1. print out this “while I was writing” form
2. start writing
3. whenever a thought or a person intervenes, briefly write down what it was so you can deal with it later, and then go back to your task.

As a writing coach, I know how difficult it can be to not give in to distractions when you’re trying to write. This form has been designed to help you with that problem and allows you to work with focus. Just keep in mind that no matter how important it is, most things can wait until after you’ve achieved today’s goals.

When you write down whatever it is that interrupted your focus, you will still feel like you dealt with it, and your mind can be at ease, knowing that you will not forget to thoroughly address the issue later.

With this one order, you’ll get the “While I was Writing” sheet in two PDFs: US letter and A4 size.

Just download the doc, print it, and work with focus!


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