What people say about my services

Are you thinking about hiring me to help you achieve your writing goals? This is what other writers have said about my ADHD writer coaching, editing, book proposal, ghostwriting and indexing services! Scroll down for the testimonials.

     – Susanne

Big picture woman

Throughly impressed with Susanne ability to look at the big picture. I consulted her for my book proposal but she was able to guide me in making my book better. Read more “Big picture woman”

Tarun Dev Sharma

Care, Motivation and Zeal: the support every writers should have!

Her expertise, generosity and involvement – together with her openness to costumize her services – makes her the perfect person to collaborate with. Read more “Care, Motivation and Zeal: the support every writers should have!”


My brain as an asset

I am learning to organize my thoughts and creative processes/projects in a way that enhances my productivity while still maintaining the joy of creating. When I’m not able to give myself permission to rest or change gears, Susanne is there to remind me why it’s important. As a result, I am legitimately happier with how I’m existing as a creative professional. Read more “My brain as an asset”


Super helpful! My proposal got accepted

Book cover for book: "Zo Ongelukkig Mogelijk in 8 Stappen" by Niels den Daas

Susanne has been enormously helpful in structuring and getting my thoughts for my book proposal onto paper, resulting in a double book deal! Read more “Super helpful! My proposal got accepted”

niels Den Daas

A game-changer

Over just a few sessions, Susanne’s coaching has already brought my writing to another level of output and, above all, enjoyment. Read more “A game-changer”

Ingrid Libert

Turning a dissertation into a book proposal

Working with Susanne was great! Her expertise in book proposal writing and understanding the market was really helpful. I appreciated how she provided free time to discuss some ideas around flipping a dissertation into a book. She took the time to understand my vision and guided me in a way that allowed me to see… Read more “Turning a dissertation into a book proposal”

Eghosa Hamilton

She’s basically the genius of ADHD writing

She helps turn the daunting into manageable and the barrier of shame and failure into curiosity. She can connect the neurology and psychology of ADHD with the practical steps you need to overcome all the obstacles you know you had – and the ones you are yet to learn about. Read more “She’s basically the genius of ADHD writing”

Tim Beshara
Senior Australian environmentalist

Fast and Extremely Easy to Work With

Her suggestions were phenomenal. She understood right away what I needed, and solved the job I offered her far beyond my expectations. I even got tears in my eyes and goosebumps, because she nailed so many things I hadn’t even thought of. Read more “Fast and Extremely Easy to Work With”

ingrid e johnson

Opened my thoughts and creativity

Working with Susanne had a massive impact on writing ability and how to architect and organize content, so it is mentally digestive. Her coaching dramatically improved my writing skills to be a published author. I don’t often give 10 out of 10, but I can honestly say that on this occasion I am more than… Read more “Opened my thoughts and creativity”

Billy Ray Taylor

Fear holding me back

Her support has created space for me to finally delve into a topic that I previously had been avoiding: understanding the fear holding me back from achieving my writing goals.  As I continue on this journey, I can’t wait to see what ‘ahas’ will come next!  Read more “Fear holding me back”


How great is Susanne? More great than you can imagine!

She is a deep and careful reader, offering insights that open up my writing to more capacious vistas, and always encourages me to take her comments as a guide, if I so choose, not as final instructions. Read more “How great is Susanne? More great than you can imagine!”

Marlene Molly Benjamin

A Great Experience!

Working with Susanne was wonderful from start to finish. Her professionalism and experience are evident in every communication. Not only did she provide stellar work. But I also learned a lot that will aid me in moving forward on my publishing journey.

Erica Settino

Incredible editor and writing coach for newbie authors!

Book cover for "This is how we heal from painful childhoods" by Ernest Ellender, client of Passionate Writer Coaching

In addition to her professionalism, it became crystal clear to me that she personally wanted this project to succeed. If I had started out with Susanne 7 years ago, we could have shaved 2-3 years off of this process, additionally saving me many (many) thousands of dollars! Read more “Incredible editor and writing coach for newbie authors!”

Ernest Ellender, PhD

A Transformed Relationship with Writing

Working with Susanne over the past 5 months, though, I have not only completed the article but, more importantly, I have created a daily writing practice in which I engage joyfully. Read more “A Transformed Relationship with Writing”

Patricia Webb

An AMAZING Experience!!!!!!!

Susanne knows what she is doing and does a superior job with the work she produces. She gave me great advice, made helpful suggestions when I needed guidance and she always presented herself in a professional yet kind manner. Read more “An AMAZING Experience!!!!!!!”

Cathy Waters

Life Changing…I’m so grateful to Susanne

Portrait image of Lara, client of Passionate Writer Coaching

In every session there is at least one (and often many) “gold nugget” that is just what I needed. I’ve gotten writing again, made headway on building my own practice, and even made peace with unresolved pain from my ADHD past. Read more “Life Changing…I’m so grateful to Susanne”

Lara Osborne

Booking in for 10 sessions

Susanne’s understanding of the writing challenges associated with adhd was eye-opening and helped me to identify practical tools and solutions for working with my brain instead of against it. Read more “Booking in for 10 sessions”

Melinda Knudsen

Working with Susanne is an enjoyable, supportive experience

I love working with Susanne. She has got all my writing projects back on track, and has helped me immensely with all the things that my messy, chaotic, brain can’t really handle – like planning and organisation. She is supportive but not afraid to give constructive feedback and suggestions when necessary. I would totally recommend… Read more “Working with Susanne is an enjoyable, supportive experience”

Paul Walsh

To write is human, to edit is divine, and to find someone like Susanne is a miracle.

Over and above being extremely good at her craft, she is patient, funny, and kind, not to mention a fountain of inspiration and encouragement. As you would expect from a great editor, if something isn’t working she will tell you why and give guidance on how to fix it, but not in a way that leaves you thinking you should never have left the day job.
Read more “To write is human, to edit is divine, and to find someone like Susanne is a miracle.”

Ian Patterson

My Mindset Hero

She’s the first coach I’ve ever worked with who understands my brain, and with a mix of practical tools and compassion, she has totally changed how I show up for myself and my career. Read more “My Mindset Hero”

Lola Rock

you don’t know what you are actually capable of

Portrait of Sinem, client of Passionate Writer Coaching

really recommend hiring Susanne – it will be life-changing! And I don’t mean it in a rainbowy way, but more in a “you don’t know what you are actually capable of even if you have an “unnormal brain” kind of way!! Read more “you don’t know what you are actually capable of”

Sinem Straughan

A Professional and Supportive Coach & Editor!

Susanne is a consummate professional and the ideal person to turn to for help with a book proposal. She made my book proposal so much better and offered many insightful suggestions. All of which I accepted. She grasps the mindset of a writer so well; it’s as if she understand the audience we’re aiming for.… Read more “A Professional and Supportive Coach & Editor!”

Rachel Stephens

Happy customer

I am really happy with the editing / coaching of Susanne regarding my book proposal. She really advised me on all aspects of the proposal and helped me to improve my proposal a lot. Read more “Happy customer”


Susanne has helped me to find confidence as a writer

Susanne understands my brain in a way that no other writing mentor has. Since working with her, I have released so much shame about my abilities. Adhd is not my enemy. Perfectionism is. And she helps me to understand I do not need to be perfect to be a great writer.  Read more “Susanne has helped me to find confidence as a writer”

Pasama Cole-Kweli

A Safe and Critical Space

Susanne has been like a calm and wise anchor, holding my hand, supporting me to work through practical obstacles as well as providing a space to talk about the nitty gritty of ideas and structure – I’ve been surprised at how sensitive, engaged and interested Susanne has been in these. Read more “A Safe and Critical Space”

Kavita Bhanot

Broken Record

Susanne Schotanus will gently lift the needle off that broken record and softly place it in a direction that allows you the freedom to explore your creative writing and watch it grow with a newfound clarity and perspective guided by the warm presence of this writing coach’s nurturing maternal light. Read more “Broken Record”

G.G. Maxwell

Susanne is making me the writer I was meant to be

I haven’t come across any other coach who combines first class editorial services with practical and effective strategies for writing with ADHD. Read more “Susanne is making me the writer I was meant to be”

Genevra Fletcher

Thoroughly recommended!

Her work is of the highest standard and, very importantly, she always managed to deliver on time! I have no hesitation in recommending Susanne and would definitely hire her services again! Read more “Thoroughly recommended!”

Paul Wilson

Susanne has out-beat all other coaches and earned my respect

She gave me the exact format to follow and it was incredibly synced. Now let me share with you, I’ve worked with many different writers and coaches, Susanne has out-beat all of them and earned my respect. These were writing coaches for Oprah Winfrey and other celebrities but Susanne’s touch and passion in this field are unmatched. I refuse to work with anyone else, really. Read more “Susanne has out-beat all other coaches and earned my respect”

Sweta Patel

Best Proposal writer and editor I’ve ever come across in my journey as author!

Thank you so much Susanne, you are not only the best professional I found for my project but you are a very kind and supportive person.
Read more “Best Proposal writer and editor I’ve ever come across in my journey as author!”

Sajad Hussain

I’m Convinced Susanne Can Help Anyone WIth Their Writing Goals (and Issues Around Writing)

I know it’s not therapy but it feels so therapeutic working with her. After working with neuro-typical people and how they would expect one to work, it’s such a breath of fresh air to have someone who understands the ADHD brain and have better tools and methods to help complete projects. Read more “I’m Convinced Susanne Can Help Anyone WIth Their Writing Goals (and Issues Around Writing)”

Olivia Jean Hamilton

Susanne may well be your secret weapon – Highly recommend giving it a go!

The barrier to coaching for me was the cost. I didn’t doubt the value it would add, but as writers, we are fortunate if we make even enough to get by, so I was hesitant. But I can’t recommend it enough. First and foremost, the sense of having invested in me and helping my process… Read more “Susanne may well be your secret weapon – Highly recommend giving it a go!”


Academic Coaching

Besides helping me prioritize my to-do’s and do the written work, our sessions help me clear out my doubts, refine my thoughts and reframe my research questions and academic interests. I feel much more confident and on track now! Read more “Academic Coaching”

Maha Raz

Clear, Concise and Detailed

She captures the nuances of the writing, she suggests changes that keep the tone and voice intact, and she manages to find all the little details that seem to slip past other editors. Read more “Clear, Concise and Detailed”

Teresa Cutler-Broyles

Productive without a deadline

Susanne has given me tools, cheerleading and support not only with my writing but in organizing my time, my workspace, and my life. I have never been so productive without a deadline and if you have ADHD you know what a feat that is. Read more “Productive without a deadline”

Esther A

The best thing that’s happened to my writing in 20+ years of being a professional writer

I leave each session with a clear plan for my project as well as a new skill or tactic to deal with whatever issue is cropping up in the moment. I can’t say enough positive things about her professionalism, flexibility, and emotional intelligence. Read more “The best thing that’s happened to my writing in 20+ years of being a professional writer”

Suzanne Mozes

Old dogs can learn new tricks!

Many of the tools and techniques Susanne has introduced me to have spilled over into other areas of my life and for the first time ever I am a person who plans, has a routine, sticks a schedule (mostly!), and most incredibly of all finishes things. I feel like I hired Susanne just in time as together we have pulled my book back on track and I am about to submit a whole two weeks ahead of my deadline. Read more “Old dogs can learn new tricks!”

Sam Parsley
Curious View